The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

Every journey begins with a single step – farther away from your circle! But remember, once you have stepped out of it…you have to expect the unexpected!

 The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey

Warner Bros. Pictures in association with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, New Line Cinema and WingNut Films present…

The film was based on the novel “The Hobbit” from a man that needs no further introduction,       John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. A fantasy laden children’s book that captivated millions of readers worldwide since it was published on September 21, 1937.

A lighting of a candle that symbolizes a beginning of a story, of hope and courage to bring a little something more than just its intended journey! Now before we start, a pleasant good morning to each and everyone well ok, good afternoon and a good evening to all as appropriately be fitting your current timelines wherever you are.

I was ambivalent with how they were able to concoct a very warm and humorous bunch of dwarves, craving for adventure, food, good company and last but not the least their lost home. It’s a creature’s habit in always finding a reason to claim back their lives even if they have to sacrifice it for the sake of their species and for these forgers of “will” they will do everything, anything to reclaim what was taken from them.

Director Peter Jackson (District 9) distinctively embraces that world of Middle Earth and all of its wonder and danger! While helping make the story promising, another film great and fan favorite Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth) shares the spotlight with the Director to brainstorm for the Screenplay. Also returning from the previous films are Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens who again inspired by Middle Earth’s grandeur, found this journey worth taking once more!

A precursor here and there before the story can be told in the eyes of a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins portrayed by Martin Freeman (Wild Target) who lives quietly in a hole, a clean one if you please where there is a place for a soothing bath, a warm bed and a feast that can be laid on your table when you’re hungry. But his so called life has been only a facade of who truly the person is, a person whose heart always leaps with the sound of longing for adventure followed with feelings of excitement, the thrills and a sojourn that will always be encrypted in his being and for generations to come!

A proud nation of dwarves led by the brave but lost Thorin Oakenshield played by Richard Armitage (Captain America: The First Avenger) compelled to lead when both his father and his grandfather the king perished in an assault by Orcs. He vowed to lead the nomad dwarves back to their mountain whatever it takes! On the other hand, rising star who turned to “the darkness” is Benedict Cumberbach (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) who voiced The Necromancer was not even felt seeing that it had both actors from the BBC hit Television series Sherlock but only this time Martin gets the bigger piece of the pie!

Not to be carried away with the sheer story alone but instead let us focus on the returning casts which critics and fans considers a set to reckon with. Front and center we start with Sir Ian McKellen (The Da Vinci Code) returns to the big screen as Gandalf “The Grey” who was actually considered weakfish seeing he is constantly supported by his staff but very few who knows him well can truly see his capabilities both for being wise and warm hearted in which brings the element of fire that is cloaked only by the color of ash, a ring was bestowed to him to secure the power in which Sauron hates most. While a man who has contributed to villainy for so many years and yet left unscathed; from Count Dracula to Count Dooku he is none other than the late and great Christopher Lee (Star Wars: The Clone Wars).

From wizards we turn our sight to the elderly elves who are also guardians of Middle Earth for four centuries. King Elrond portrayed by Hugo Weaving (The Matrix) and Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth) stars as Lady Galadriel both in short but significant roles which ripples to the next chapters of this masterpiece!

The Producers along with key people in making these films invested wisely on New Zealand’s vast resources. Filled with ice capped mountains and green landscapes that really captivates the viewers to make the world of The Lord of the Rings truly a sight to behold. So many films have even copied the how the camera captures all the intricate details that make the storytelling even more intense, inspiring and surreal! The “endless walk” that was always included in these quest filled films seem pedestrian and redundant at most but not here since it has been an intricate part where we can actually see the world these characters travel on and this is where another Academy Award winner Andrew Lesnie (The Delinquents) comes in and be on top of things!

On the aspect of SFX and VFX, this was way better and improved in terms of using Green Screen and CGI especially for multiple objects being panned in and out of the screen courtesy again by       WETA Workshop stationed in the same country and managed by the Director himself with coordination from Academy Award Winner Production Designer Dan Hennah (Underworld: Rise of the Lycans). Three time Academy Award winner Howard Shore’s (Silence of the Lambs) music and scoring was captivating that it did not overshadow nor was it overbearing for the actual scenes that infuse significance especially through the characters dialogue and scenarios.

On a lighter side the film’s characters has the hilarity of being compared to a certain Snow White, but rather having seven dwarves this group will be called instead “ The Greying Gandalf and the Seven Dwarves multiplied by Two minus One plus One (Hobbit)”. Not crazy about the title though but seriously just like all they have the courage to stand up for their friends and family, has a hearty laugh, great appetite matched only for their sense of industry and integrity!

This is wonderfully created, full of excitement and speaking of which we could do a roll call right about now as we do have a dragon, wizards, elves, trolls, orcs, goblins, hobbits, dwarves though there were no humans at least there were stone “freaking” giants who actually fights by throwing boulders at each other, enchanted monoliths that has a knack for rough housing MMA style! So that was done, breath taking as it is but wait until you get a load of this…

All journeys have stopovers but in this one you don’t want to get off, the cave segment between Bilbo and his “win the riddle game or we’ll eat you up” tour guide has left me several goose bumps that I’ve lost count! Andy Serkis (King Kong) was brilliant as always giving life to the diabolical wide eyed, nerve racking, schizophrenic and preciously insane Gollum! I really got a head ache when they finally crossed paths; it was like a tidal wave lambasting the breakwater over and over again!

It also cites the sense of having to leave the comfort of one’s home just to add some spark in your being. Not that we pursue perilous journeys in our lifetime but rather staying true to oneself and find the time to have fun and enjoy the company of your loved ones in spite of challenges ahead. There is a world out there that needs to be explored (not like Middle Earth) where we need to find what we are looking for in life and surely the journey we have to face is simply put as, to be unexpected…



Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Evolution takes another form so better be prepared for it’s going to be a jungle out there and it will drive you bananas!

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

20th Century Fox in association with Dune Entertainment, Big Screen Productions, Ingenious Film Partners and Chernin Entertainment present…

A major over haul from a long line of classic films which I believe most people will prefer in order to settle a grounded framework that will enable another set of a better franchise in the coming years ahead! It centers on Apes as they are used to term the superclass Hominidae together with humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans, another way to call their level would be Hominoids!

A remote jungle…

A traumatic experience from a Troop (collective) with a certain female captured, compounded and named “Bright Eyes” after a string of lab tests that involved a virus called ALZ112. What turns out to be a medical breakthrough was inconclusive, yes! With a lot of promise not for humans…but rather with another species!

Writers Rick Jafffa and Amanda Silver (The Hand that Rocks the Cradle) has worked on a very huge platform inputting enough details from the previous stories directly or indirectly to create a new predecessor as they inculcate in the film an unstoppable chaos that depicts real life scenarios! This will happen when oppression has gone too far and everyone turns a blind eye towards it. Wonderfully written which gave the sections of the film perfect amalgamation of sequences that made it sublime.

Directed by Rupert Wyatt which gave his second major picture to date since “The Escapist”! I hope he keeps up and will be given more projects to tackle. His guidance had made a huge impact in the potential of the film’s premise to what is going on out there that covers diversity, animal rights and the involvement of science especially in the medical field.

Art Direction plus the Production teams of Helen Jarvis and Claude Pare respectively made their homework with tenacity. Cinematography by Andrew Lesnie, already won an Academy Award for his work in the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring which makes his collaboration with Andy a lot more fulfilling!

Least we forget Weta digital the company founded by Director Peter Jackson! The Award winning studio had produced such great films since 1993 focusing on visual effects and CGI animation which comprises the LOTR Trilogy, King Kong and of course the groundbreaking sci-fi hit Avatar! I believe this film will be a contender as well!

There were intrinsic elements that make this film so surreal it certainly needs to be elaborated.


The first thing that was evident is the reason, the origins for the uprising which the title connotes; this of course would correspond to the given plot. Hunted down, unwillingly tested and tortured what more can you ask for?

GEN SYS owner David Oyelowo (The Last King of Scotland) as Steven Jacobs, level headed, passionate about his work and his money, nothing matters to him except his business and the approval of the board directors to further fund his project. His only goal is to seek the cure for the disease, fair enough but at what costs? Or how many more lives of these animals will be needed in order to attain them?

On another side note, two actors return to the foray, villains as part of the story’s father and son tandem! They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks as Brian Cox (Iron Clad) as a preserve owner John Landon who schemes more so tolerates the horrible acts of Dodge played by Tom Felton (Harry Potter) who will not see what’s coming for him.


Before he was a scientist, he was a son to his father and in his heart he will find a way to save him. James Franco (Tristan & Isolde) plays William Rodman, a San Francisco Genetic Therapist team lead who is at the brink of curing a disease that has made humanity suffer for hundreds of years.

The medium for his work, Alzheimer’s has been the burden of Charles Rodman; he is John Lithgow’s (Cliff Hanger) screen character! It was nice to see John do a little bit of drama and being back in films, the perennial actor was well known for his role in the TV hit comedy series 3rd Rock from the Sun!

We can say that one scientist was also partly blamed for this inexorable predicament even as humane as it can be, helping your own father get better is the primary thing to do in spite of too much severities.

Another angle was the growing up primate and his human Dad, there was always laughter in the house and Will has been torn up between his work duties, his sick father and his surrogate son! It was really heartfelt to watch seeing how he faces so many uncertainties for their future and even if it means that he has to let Caesar go…


The neighbor Mr. Hunsiker got into his psyche as one of the reasons why hatred started to run through his veins. Then out of the cruelty dealt by Dodge and his friend, Caesar grew a foreboding bitterness towards humans even more into which will be the catalyst for his plan. To add insult to his superior intellect, his tormentor gave him a bath that he will never forget! Even scenes with the preserve Alpha male Lucky have been deterrent to what Caesar stands for…his name was not just given to him without purpose!

Now, for the star of the show, Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) is the lead character who I call “Chimpanzee 2.0” commands his role, his legion of followers to freedom. After playing Gollum and King Kong, he still never fails to mesmerize audience with his innate ability to express the character he plays. He carefully affixes his facial expressions, movement that adds to his charisma which was on par with his character’s animosity!

We could see here that his mission was not just to liberate his kind but it offers more on what they wanted humans to feel how they were treated. After so much chaos, the stand-off was a marvelous scene to gaze at it signifies the type of leader Caesar is and why his unwavering legion is loyal to his sovereignty.

Andy’s portrayal reflects really well and it shows how Caesar was brought up even with the amount of intelligence he has, he never abused it furthermore he had shown compassion a lot of times in the film. Bottom line, he was just an angry ape who needs to be understood!


So everything falls into place for a sequel, a concluded first round barrage (Apes 1: Humans 0), a casualty from a re-engineered ALZ113, we also had hints of the bloody nosed pilot who will take flight into greater heights and watch him crashing down…that will send millions of lives to the brink of their agonizing demise! Lastly, playing in the background is a lost mission to Mars looming for a comeback (I think it’s better if they don’t!).

Frieda Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire) as Caroline Aranha, a Primatologist who serves as Veterinarian and lover to the scientist extraordinaire. She has been with the family for a quite a few years now and seeing how Caesar progresses she will now be a part of something bigger to come.

I don’t know but for heaven’s sake the kiss was not necessary it was done so many times already and it was too pedestrian! But we could see this actress blossom and bring more inspiring films to the big screen! We won’t know what will happen next, maybe character continuity will take effect for the sequel that she might help out in the coming pandemic and that would be awesome to see!

Very touching film full of morals about life and people, we always have that intuition of being superior from others and regrettably will be the cause of our downfall. Caesar became human in essence and his chest pounded with grief and resentment! His last words were uttered in subtlety but its meaning gave a very clear exclamation point! To think that the bright eyed primate was an orphan only longing for the love and acceptance of a family but it was never meant to last!

The Apes drape upon the giant Redwoods awaiting their fate that has yet to come…